Mint Latam News

GeoPerú, digital maps for decision making in the country

GeoPerú is a digital platform that integrates interinstitutional information into nine categories that will facilitate decision making for mayors and authorities at the national level.

To date, all ministries participate, as well as 112 public institutions linked to these sectors, 25 regional governments and 125 local governments.

“The GeoPerú platform has 392 maps from 42 public entities and two international organizations,” said Marushka Chocobar, digital government secretary of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM).

These include cartographic maps, infrastructure references, monetary poverty, digital gaps, social programs, connectivity, health, education, culture, among others. Data are updated according to each official source.

In addition, training or technical assistance sessions were held with 16 regional governments and seven local governments.

With this feature, you can identify social, economic, and infrastructure gaps in each region. Financial execution of projects at departmental, provincial and district levels at different levels of government can also be monitored.


The authorities can use GeoPerú as a tool to support territorial planning. Georeferenced information can be downloaded in PDF or image format.

The public version will be available in January 2020 for citizens to consult the platform.

Proposals for citizens online

On the other hand, Participa Peru – integrated with the exclusive platform – logs citizen proposals online: “Citizens can now register their proposals on the unique digital platform,” he said. To do this, simply fill out a form with your full name, email and message.

The systematization of the initiatives will begin in January 2020. The next step will involve government and digital transformation laboratory staff responding to each proposal to evaluate them in more detail. “The fourth step is its implementation,” added the PCM official.

The site also has direct access to other corruption reporting portals, prior consultation processes, open data repository, Spatial Data service, among others.


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